Friday, April 30, 2010


Well another short week for me. I did however, make some good progress with my Dad. He was able to help me realize why I have been struggling this year. As we broke it down, it all came to commitment. When I stepped up to a shot and was fully committed, the result was a good one. If I made guiding swings or hesitant swings, the result was not so good. So I need to re-gain my complete focus and not let down my guard whatsoever and commit to every shot!

I have another tournament next week and I am going to really work hard on getting in the zone and not letting anything come between me and my focus!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Lots of Practice!!

I know it has been awhile since the last time I blogged, but there has not been too much going on down here. I have been doing a lot of practicing and analysis of my game, trying to figure out why my scores have been the way they have. It has been going pretty good, I have been putting in a lot of long days and am starting to feel closer to the way I felt when I was playing solid golf, so that is encouraging.
I am especially excited for the tournament next week because my parents are going to be here! My dad is going to be on the bag and my nervous mom will be following, just like in college! It will be nice to have them here for the week and have my dad here to help me figure some things out!
It will be a pretty busy week around here with the Quail Hollow Championship going on about a mile from my apartment!
I am really looking forward to playing better golf and the last 8 rounds I have played, I was -13. Let's just hope that continues into these next tournaments!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Struggles Continue

This week was kind of a summary of my year so far. I scored bad both of the first two rounds, which led to a missed cut. The two courses were tougher then the ones we have been playing, and there was some pretty good wind. I did however, hit the ball fairly well this week, but my scores were not what I am looking for.

I have been pretty confused this year so far. I don't feel like I am hitting the ball bad, but for some reason, I am not scoring well at all. I do know some things that I need to practice in the next couple weeks. My wedges and putting were fair this week but do need to improve.

I just need to sit back and really analyze my rounds and figure out why I am not scoring. I have to be honest and say that I have felt like my head has kind of been in the clouds at some points. I do know some things I need to do mentally. I let my mind wonder at points during the round and that cannot happen.

I will keep working on these things in the next couple weeks. It is a process out here, and I am just trying to learn as much as I can.

Monday, April 5, 2010


I got home to Minnesota last week. My sister and her husband flew me home to surprise my Mom for her birthday. It was awesome to get home and see the family. I have missed them so much, especially my nephew, Hunter. He is growing up so fast. He calls me Doe!

I also got in to see the changes at the Litchfield Golf Club. Chad Siem is a close friend of mine and I am very excited to see all the good things he and his partners are going to do for LGC. He also built me a new driver that is spectacular. I don't know how he does it, but he comes through for me all the time and I don't think that Litchfield could have found a better team of guys to manage the club.

I am currently in Southport, NC. We have a tournament here this week at the St. James Plantation. We had our first practice round today and things are continually getting better with me swing. We are playing on bent grass greens this week, which is what we have back home in MN. So as you can imagine, I am excited about that. One of the courses is a Nicklaus design and the other, a Dye design.

I am excited for the week ahead! Check back this week as I will keep everyone updated on the progress.

Again, thank you everyone for all your support through this transition in my life. It has been tough for me, but it is improving and I look forward to the rest of the season!