Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Time Off

I was able to be home in MN over the 4th of July. A good friend of mine had some extra frequent flyer miles and offered to fly me home so I could spend some time with my family and friends. I was very appreciative and had a great time.
The Egolf Tour is in it's last two weeks of the regular season. I am not playing in these events for the same reason I have been not playing in the prior events, money. I remain very positive and I am doing everything that I can to get back out there as soon as possible.
I am hoping to play in some of the fall series events that take place in September and October.
As for my game, it is improving. During this time off, I have had a lot of time to evaluate the year so far and the things about my game that were costing me strokes on the golf course. This time off has also allowed me to make some of the changes to my swing that I didn't want to venture into while I was in tournaments.
I was fighting an occasional hook. I figured out that it was due to my ball position and also my position at the top of my backswing. I was a little too far from the ball and my hands were not in front of the ball at address. At the top of my backswing, I was making a little extra move that was closing down my clubface. I have moved closer to the ball and my hands are now more forward. As to eliminating the closing down of the clubface, that is going to take a little more time because as I know from the past, this is something I have fought ever since I made my swing one that favored a draw.
So, I will be continually working on these changes and caddying as much as I can to make money. Other than that, there isn't much else that goes on down here.
I hope everyone is well and enjoyed Independence Day!!