Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Today was another tournament round that my score was not depicting of how I played. As I left the course today, I was pretty upset with the score that I shot. I had one bad hole where I made a triple bogey. I caught a tough break off a cart-path that shot my tee ball out-of-bounds. Other than that, I hit the ball pretty darn well, just did not make many birdies. The course was tough around the greens. There were many levels to each green and if you didn't put yourself on the right tier, you left yourself with a pretty tough 2 putt.

I know this is tough for a lot of people to understand, but I am making significant progress. Although my scores are not AT ALL where they need to be, or should be, I am getting more comfortable out there and am starting to hit the ball with a lot more confidence as time goes on.
When I got back to my apartment tonight, I sat down and did some serious thinking to try and put a finger on what I was doing wrong. To be honest, its tough to point the finger at any one or two things. Don't get me wrong, everything could be better, but its not as bad as my scores have shown. I know that it's going to take some time to get adjusted to things out here, but I think now is the time that I have to make that step and I look forward to shooting a good number tomorrow morning.

I had a good talk with my parents tonight and we all feel the same way. I just need to go out there and expect to shoot low scores instead of playing to hang in there. The tough thing for me is that I have not shot scores like this in succession in a long time. I am going to go out there tomorrow and go after things like I used to. I am going to attack instead of playing conservative. Playing conservative has never been the way I play the game and so I need to get back to the way I know how to play. I am hitting good shots, I just need to convert on those opportunities!

Check back tomorrow for a better report!!