Thursday, February 25, 2010


Today was the worst wind that I have ever played competitive golf in. It was gusting around 40 mph and then some. It was also a very long day. I got to the course at a little before 8:00, found out there was a 40 minute delay, so my tee time was now 9:20. I got out there and played 4 holes, then they suspended play due to unplayable conditions. We all thought they were going to cancel the day and scratch what we had done, and start over tomorrow. Instead, we sat in a delay from 11:00-3:00. They then sent us back out, and it was windier then when they suspended play, and we played until 6:00. This created a lot of frustration among the players in the morning wave. The reason why is that the conditions were basically unplayable, and the afternoon wave didn't have to play in it. I know sometimes that is just the way the cookie crumbles, but if it is unplayable, like I felt it was today, then it's not fair.
The reason I felt it was unplayable, and the reason they suspended play in the first place, is because the ball was getting blown around on the greens. There was one time where I marked my ball and had it blown a foot farther away from the hole when I replaced it. I then had to play it from where it blows to.
Secondly, you could never set your putter on the ground because if you set down your putter behind the ball, and the ball moves, it is a penalty. If you hover your putter, then it doesn't count as addressing the ball.
But, oh well, what can you do I guess. There was a par 5 today that is 530 straight into the wind. I went driver, driver, and had 90 yards left. I then hit 9 iron and didn't get to the green. I usually hit a 9 iron around 145-150 yards.
Well, I am 3 over through 14 holes. I am EXTREMELY happy with that. At the course I was at, I only heard of 1 lower score. So, things are improving. I am very happy with the improvements I am making. I am continually learning to better play this game professionally and I am also learning a lot by watching the guys I play with. I feel more and more comfortable every time I go out there. I am very excited about the direction things are headed.
I am probably not going to make the cut, but it's ok. I am very happy about things and will keep working hard.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Getting There

Today was pretty frustrating for me. I shot a 77. I played really, really smart but just could not execute well enough to make the birdies. I started the day with a double on hole 10, but made birdies on 11 and 13 to get back to even. From then on, I just could not get it in the hole for birdie. I had two 3 putts and a couple irons that were so close to being good but ended up in bunkers or missing greens. I hit 10 fairways and 10 greens. My chipping was pretty good, I just didn't make many putts.
I am starting to feel a lot more comfortable out on the course. I am making good swings, just not scoring well at all. I feel good about everything, I just am not scoring well.
Tomorrow is a new day and I am going to go out there and try to post the best number I can. It is all a learning process, and I am taking everything in and working on figuring out how to play this game professionally.

Onward and Upward!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Good Learning Experience

To say the least, I didn't make the cut. I did learn a lot though and got rid of all the nerves. I played golf more like I am used to today. I finished my last 6 holes of my first round early this morning. I played them 1 over par, to finish with a rock solid 83.
I then had to go straight to the tee to start my second round. I finished with a 78, but it was the best 78 of my life and I could not be any happier right now. I hit 12 fairways and 14 greens. So yes, the putter was pretty bad. The greens on the second course were like putting on your kitchen floor. I had 3, 3 putts and just could not get the birdies to fall. I only made 1 bad swing the whole second round and that was a tee shot that I hit in the water.
I hit a lot of good shots on a course with a course rating of 75.6. Even though 78 definitely is not good, I am very happy with the strides I made in the mental game today!
Now I will just be practicing down here until I head to Savannah on Monday for the next event!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Rough Start

Well, today was not what I was hoping for. I am only through 12 holes and am a lot over par. Handling the nerves was a lot tougher then I thought it was going to be. I was not committing to the shots that I decided to hit and I kept getting myself into trouble. I also made some decisions that were a little too aggressive, which also got me into trouble.
But, I am using it as a great learning experience. Since this is my first professional tournament, I do not have any expectations. I wanted to play a lot better then I am but what can you do. I just need to get back to making good swings and playing golf the way I know how to. It's the same game out here as it is anywhere else, the competition is just tougher.
It seems like the scores are higher then normal. The courses are pretty tough, with lots of places to get into trouble, it just happens that I keep finding them.
I got 6 holes to finish in my first round and then I am going to try to have a great second round and move on. The great thing about being out here is that there is always next week and it is a whole new tournament.
I will have my scores for everyone tomorrow. Don't expect too good of a first one though..Haha

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

One Week!!!!

One week from now I will have completed my 1st round! I am soooo excited! I will be trying to update my blog after every round so that those of you who want to follow along can read about each round. I am not quite sure if eGolf will have live scoring or not, but if you want to check out their website, go to Also, you can get there through the link on my website (on the right-hand side located under "Schedule").

The weather is pretty chilly here, but I am still able to get out and practice for about 5 hours a day. The rest of the week is suppose to be nice, so I will be using all the daylight I can to prepare. The weather also looks to be good for next week.

I am pretty happy with where my game is at right now. I have been fine tuning little things for the past couple weeks. One of the hardest things for me to get adjusted to is the Bermuda grass around the greens. It is a gnarly grass that can create all kinds of different lies for your ball. This has made chipping a little difficult to get adjusted, but I feel I have a good handle on it now.

My travel partner, Blake, got in on Friday and we have spent some time together over the past week. He is a very nice kid and we get along really well. It is also nice to have someone to play with. We usually play for something, so that adds a little incentive. Also, having someone there to push you and help with your game is a plus.

Please check back often next week as we finally get this thing underway!

God Bless!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Snow? Really!!

Believe it or not, last Saturday, we got about 3-4 inches of snow here in Charlotte. Talk about terrible timing! They say that happens about once every three years! But I got back on the course today and picked up right where I left off! That was a relief. My game is very close to where I want it to be by the time my first tournament roles around in less than two weeks. Here is how I would rate my game right now, to my standards:

Driving: Very good

Irons: Excellent!

Short Game: Good

Putting: A little above Average

So, I played 27 holes today and was -2 on a pretty tough course. It was a mud bowl out there and 3 of my 5 bogeys were from soaking wet bunkers that I just could not figure out.

I got my confidence back in my swing now that my changes have come through. I am able to do whatever I want with my irons and my driver/3-wood off the tee. My swing used to favor a draw, which I didn't mind, but it wasn't very consistent. I used to want a draw so I could hit it farther. Now that I am fully grown and hit the ball plenty far, I wanted to switch to more of a fade so the ball would land softer on greens, and it is a lot easier to control. With switching to a swing that favors a fade, its hard to be able to hold on to the ability to draw the ball. Well I got that worked out now and am able to play that shot if needed. The thing that I really like is that with the changes, I have eliminated the occasional "snap hook" that I used to hit. Also, by switching to a fade swing, my long irons have gotten a lot better since I am able to go down after the ball instead of a swooping swing. This also allows me to get the ball out of the long rough easier.

With that said, my work will continue to be excessive in the next two weeks as I prepare for the season to start. Two weeks from right now I will be done with my first round!

God Bless!!