Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Snow? Really!!

Believe it or not, last Saturday, we got about 3-4 inches of snow here in Charlotte. Talk about terrible timing! They say that happens about once every three years! But I got back on the course today and picked up right where I left off! That was a relief. My game is very close to where I want it to be by the time my first tournament roles around in less than two weeks. Here is how I would rate my game right now, to my standards:

Driving: Very good

Irons: Excellent!

Short Game: Good

Putting: A little above Average

So, I played 27 holes today and was -2 on a pretty tough course. It was a mud bowl out there and 3 of my 5 bogeys were from soaking wet bunkers that I just could not figure out.

I got my confidence back in my swing now that my changes have come through. I am able to do whatever I want with my irons and my driver/3-wood off the tee. My swing used to favor a draw, which I didn't mind, but it wasn't very consistent. I used to want a draw so I could hit it farther. Now that I am fully grown and hit the ball plenty far, I wanted to switch to more of a fade so the ball would land softer on greens, and it is a lot easier to control. With switching to a swing that favors a fade, its hard to be able to hold on to the ability to draw the ball. Well I got that worked out now and am able to play that shot if needed. The thing that I really like is that with the changes, I have eliminated the occasional "snap hook" that I used to hit. Also, by switching to a fade swing, my long irons have gotten a lot better since I am able to go down after the ball instead of a swooping swing. This also allows me to get the ball out of the long rough easier.

With that said, my work will continue to be excessive in the next two weeks as I prepare for the season to start. Two weeks from right now I will be done with my first round!

God Bless!!