Wednesday, February 10, 2010

One Week!!!!

One week from now I will have completed my 1st round! I am soooo excited! I will be trying to update my blog after every round so that those of you who want to follow along can read about each round. I am not quite sure if eGolf will have live scoring or not, but if you want to check out their website, go to Also, you can get there through the link on my website (on the right-hand side located under "Schedule").

The weather is pretty chilly here, but I am still able to get out and practice for about 5 hours a day. The rest of the week is suppose to be nice, so I will be using all the daylight I can to prepare. The weather also looks to be good for next week.

I am pretty happy with where my game is at right now. I have been fine tuning little things for the past couple weeks. One of the hardest things for me to get adjusted to is the Bermuda grass around the greens. It is a gnarly grass that can create all kinds of different lies for your ball. This has made chipping a little difficult to get adjusted, but I feel I have a good handle on it now.

My travel partner, Blake, got in on Friday and we have spent some time together over the past week. He is a very nice kid and we get along really well. It is also nice to have someone to play with. We usually play for something, so that adds a little incentive. Also, having someone there to push you and help with your game is a plus.

Please check back often next week as we finally get this thing underway!

God Bless!